Mayor backs off SHSAT elimination 1


Mayor de Blasio is throwing in the towel but Richard Carranza, shown here at the ribbon cutting for a new elementary school in Jackson Heights in September, is not toning down his rhetoric about the need to dump the entrance exam for the city’s elite high schools.

10/3/2019 SHSAT Education Asian Americans Mayor de Blasio

Extreme Urgent: The Statute of Limitation of The Criminal Justice Proceeding Will Expire Soon For The Corruption Crimes, Which Framed Sherry Chen in The Falsified Espionage Case

It is the extreme urgent right now for Sherry Chen to follow with 42 U.S. House Reps for the criminal justice for herself, since the federal criminal code has the 7-year statute of limitation, it will expire soon in her case. After 7 years, Sherry Chen will no longer be able to pursue the criminal justice proceeding for the matter of her being framed with the falsified espionage charges.

3/22/2019 Sherry Chen FBI Chinese Americans Spy Race

source: Inside Higher Ed

Some issues are similar to those in Harvard case, but Chapel Hill's status as public university -- and some differing strategies -- could affect outcome of the case.

UNC students

1/22/2019 Asian Americans Harvard Affirmative Action Education UNC

source: Commentary

Harvard Univeristy

This article is a second draft. I had originally set out to write an essay defending meritocracy in the United States. I was responding to New York City’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, who had just proposed a two-pronged plan aimed at getting more African-American and Hispanic students into the city’s eight highly competitive elite public high schools. His proposal pivots on the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT), which is the sole means these institutions have to grant entry to students.

12/26/2018 Education Asian Americans Race Affirmative Action Harvard

Rep. Ted Lieu and Yongping Zhou

Falsely charging against Chinese-Americans is not rare in this country, especially for the first generation of Chinese immigrants. Without sufficient legal support and network, when facing with unfair charges, they lack the power to fight back, even though they have good educational background and good economic status. Yongping Zhou is one of them who have spent years on their lawsuits that have totally changed their life.

12/7/2018 Chinese Americans Race Corruption FBI Yongping Zhou

source: The Harvard Crimson

Harvard Press Conference

Seth P. Waxman '73 and William F. Lee '72 speak to members of the press outside John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse immediately following the conclusion of the three-week-long Harvard admissions trial. Photo: Amy Y. Li

The high-stakes and high-profile Harvard admissions trial may stretch well into 2019, per new details announced in a Wednesday court order.

The trial, the latest development in a four-year-old lawsuit brought by anti-affirmative action group Students for Fair Admissions, kicked off in a Boston courthouse on Oct. 15 and wrapped up three weeks later on Nov. 2. But it's not entirely over —

11/15/2018 Education Affirmative Action Asian Americans Race

source: Yongping Zhou's Tumblr

Chinese Elites appeal Rep Judy Chu and Ted Lieu to act with the duties as U.S. House Reps

FBI chief Welch’s obstruction of justice in Zhou’s case, Directors of American Chinese appeal U.S. Rep Ted Lieu and Judy Chu to send Yongping Zhou’s case to U.S. Congress Judiciary Committee


In Yongping Zhou’s case, there were two corruption crime cases happened in Marion County of Indiana State and in FBI field office of Indianapolis.

The first corruption crime of Marion County of Indiana happened on the 4th floor of City County Building of Indianapolis on May 18, 2005, he was attacked by bailiff Belanger without a reason. Later, Marion City County mayor and sheriff hid the surveillance footage of this crime scene by replying the court’s subpoenas with their perjury as FBI agent Robert found and concluded, Belanger and several officers conspired to make the false accusation upon Mr. Zhou with 5 falsified charges. It was outrageous, two law professors Henry Karlson and Joel Schumm helped Mr. Zhou for 3 years in order to defeat the horrible false accusation. Finally, the jury gave the justice to Mr. Zhou in the trial, although Belanger and 5 officers made up their contradicted perjury claims to cheat the jury in order to frame up Mr. Zhou.

11/11/2018 FBI Yongping Zhou Judy Chu Ted Lieu Welch

source: The Unz Review


This last week trial began in Boston federal court for the current lawsuit in which a collection of Asian-American organizations are charging Harvard University with racial discrimination in its college admissions policies. The New York Times, our national newspaper of record, has been providing almost daily coverage to developments in the case, with the stories sometimes reaching the front page.

Last Sunday, just before the legal proceedings began, the Times ran a major article explaining the general background of the controversy, and I was very pleased to see that my own past research was cited as an important factor sparking the lawsuit, with the reporter even including a direct link to my 26,000 word 2012 cover-story “The Myth of American Meritocracy,” which had provided strong quantitative evidence of anti-Asian racial quotas. Economic historian Niall Ferguson, long one of Harvard’s most prominent professors but recently decamped to Stanford, similarly noted the role of my research in his column for the London Sunday Times.

10/22/2018 Asian Americans Jewish Education Affirmative Action Race Harvard


The entrance to Harvard Yard at Harvard University -w450

Scott Eisen/Getty Images

For years, reporters have been trying to get elite universities to be more transparent about their admissions process. It might take a court to pry it all open — with unforeseen consequences.

10/22/2018 Asian Americans Education Affirmative Action Harvard Race

source: the Federalist

When privileged Asian-Americans argue race-based discrimination is acceptable, they allow themselves to be used as a wedge group.

The long-awaited Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) lawsuit against Harvard University went to trial in Boston’s federal court on Oct. 15. This is a case filed by a group of Asian students and parents alleging Harvard’s undergraduate admissions process intentionally discriminates against Asian-Americans, by limiting the number of Asian-American students who are admitted in order to increase admission of less-qualified students of other races.

Back in June, both sides filed their findings and motions to the federal court in Boston. SFFA hired Duke University economist Peter Arcidiacono to perform an analysis based on data extracted from the records of more than 160,000 students who applied for admission over six cycles from 2000 to 2015.

Arcidiacono found that, despite Asian American students scoring higher than students of any other racial or ethnic group on academics, extracurriculars, and even alumni interviews, Harvard admission office always “rated Asian-American applicants lower than others on traits like ‘positive personality,’” likability, courage, kindness and being “widely respected … often without even meeting them.”

10/19/2018 Asian Americans Affirmative Action Race Harvard Education
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